Language placement testing

Undergraduate placement testing

Language placement test for undergraduates

If you want to determine which level language course to take, the School of International Letters and Cultures at Arizona State University offers a variety of placement tests to meet your individual needs as an undergraduate student.

Please note: Unless otherwise indicated, the School of International Letters and Cultures language courses are designed for second language learners. Native speakers of the target language may not register for language courses in their native language but are welcome to take content courses (culture, film, literature) taught in their native language. The School of International Letters and Cultures defines a native speaker as someone who has completed secondary school in the target language.

The results do not constitute the completion of the second language requirement. Some language placement tests are available online while others must be completed in person.  

Students are permitted to take a language placement test no more than two times per academic year. 

Placement tests will provide a recommended course level for an ASU language course (101, 202, etc.).

The results do not constitute the completion of the second language requirement. Some language placement tests are available online while others require you to schedule an in-person test.

Please select the language for which you wish to take a placement test from the list below.

Languages offered for placement include:



Language placement milestones and scores

Placement in French, German, and Spanish has been automated to produce milestones in PeopleSoft that correlate to student scores on the WebCAPE exam.  Students will be eligible to enroll in the course that their score indicates to be the correct one for their level of language ability.  Note: there are two placement tests in the Spanish language — one (Spanish) is for second language learners and the other (Español) is for heritage learners as identified through the questionnaire.

Below are listed the finalized and approved cutoff scores for placement exams in Spanish, French and German.

Spanish Language Learner Low score in range High score in range
0 249
SPA102 250 369
SPA201 370 420
SPA202 421 520
SPA313 521 >521
Spanish Heritage Learner (Español) Low score in range High score in range
SPA203 0 369
SPA204 370 520
SPA315 521 >521
French Low score in range High score in range
0 280
FRE102 281 340
FRE201 341 394
395 476
FRE311 477 >477
German Low score in range High score in range
0 230
GER102 231 328
GER201 329 407
408 443
444 469
GER202 470 547

Milestone information (PeopleSoft)

See information