Placement Exams - Spanish

This form is for students wishing to take the online placement exams in Spanish (for heritage and second-language learners).  The link at the bottom of the form on this page will direct you to the appropriate exam.  Please be sure to check all of the boxes in the questionnaire below that apply to you.  If none of the statements in the list are applicable, simply click on the link in the last item.

Once you have completed the exam, please read the information on the the ASU page displayed at the end of your placement test and complete the override form linked from that page. 

Language Learner or Heritage Learner?

A heritage Spanish learner is someone who has had significant exposure to Hispanic language and cultures, and who identifies with the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Please respond to these questions regarding your use of Spanish outside the classroom.
Language Learner or Heritage Learner?
A heritage Spanish learner is someone who has had significant exposure to Hispanic language and cultures, and who identifies with the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Please respond to these questions regarding your use of Spanish outside the classroom.