SILC Sustains Your Studies!

SILC Sustains Your Studies!

Did You Know…?

The world is changing and a knowledge of sustainability is becoming a critical requirement for our future leaders. By taking sustainability classes in SILC, you will learn to perceive and interact with the world through different cultures. These courses contain subject matter that is important to driving a discussion on ecology and sustainable practices.
Each culture has its own method of framing the issue of sustainable resources and the preservation of our environment. As you acquire your second, third, or fourth language, you increasingly furnish yourself with the ability to join the discussion from a variety of viewpoints on the world stage. By strengthening cross-cultural communication and improving our openness to diverse perspectives, we can work together to envision innovative ways of protecting the future of our planet. At Arizona State University, we value innovation in relation to the sustainable practices and conservation of our ecosystem advanced by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

From the very first semester, students in SILC start building their knowledge bank of sustainability and ecology through various activities. Examples include:

First Year

Building vocabulary banks regarding weather, climate, food, eating locally, recycling, and transportation.

Second Year

Lessons and activities related to sustainability and ecology. We put our knowledge to the test to express our opinions on these topics in another language.

Third Year, Fourth Year and Graduate Level

Entire courses and significant portions of the curriculum dedicated to the exploration of current environmental issues such as climate change, sustainability, and conservation through a variety of media, genres, and approaches. 

The real-life benefits of language training are tangible. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), students who receive career readiness training benefit from improved skillsets in the following competencies:

   Career and Self-Development

   Critical Thinking

   Equity and Inclusion




