Before filling out this form, please check the SILC calendar to see if there are any events conflicting with yours!

If you do not receive an email confirmation for your request within 48 hours, please call to check on the status of your request. 

To reserve a testing room, please go through the SILC LSS Facilities Request form.

To request marketing support for your event, please complete the SILC marketing request form.

Event requests must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to event start time. You should allow 3–4 business days for event processing.

You will need your special event registry number to make a room reservation. If you have not yet submitted your event to the special event registry, please do so now.

If your event is for a staff or faculty meeting, you do not need to fill out a special event registry. Please put N/A in the box.
i.e. faculty meeting, lecture, club event, conference, etc
How many people do you expect at this event?
If requesting Conference Room 240, 241, 243 please contact David Brokaw at  480-965-4188
Will you require marketing support for this event?
If so, please submit the SILC marketing request form
Yes or No